Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I had a very exciting weekend. My friends and family got together and had a surprise bridal shower for me. I was super surprised and felt extremely special. We will be married in 27 days and I really hadn't thought there would be any kind of celebration. We will be getting married in a visitation gallery with no friends or family present. There will be no pictures or flowers or cake or reception. Just the two of us and our friend Reverend Seymour, who has guided us through this process. We plan to have a traditional wedding when he comes home but for now this will have to do. I am excited. Its not the wedding I would have planned but I am so happy to be marrying my soulmate. Back to the shower...lots of friends and family were there. I received lots of gifts and we had great food and played games. It was very emotional for me. Just to know my friends and family support us. Even if they don't understand they still made me feel like a bride should feel before she marries her other half. I can honestly say I could not be any happier at this very moment. Life is good!